Friday, 30 October 2009

412 Roast Shoulder of Mutton and Onion Sauce

This is a very favourite dish in humble life. Take a shoulder of mutton, not too fat, and roast it , allowing ten minutes to the pound; when it is done serve with onion sauce (see 200) in a tureen. Some people smother it with sauce; but, I think the best plan is as I have directed, for some people have an aversion to onions, and by my plan they are not compelled to eat them or taste their flavour. The shoulder of mutton may be cooked in all other ways the same as the haunch.

The Corner Cupboard, Houlston and Wright, London (1858) p.107

This recipe is delightfully enigmatic and perhaps "the best plan" is something other than serving Roast Shoulder of Mutton and Onion Sauce without the onion sauce! The mind boggles at the possibilities!

Another aspect of this recipe is the use of the term "humble life". This is of course a euphemism for poverty, in other words, this recipe is a favourite of poor people. We can therefore summise that the joint of meat, the shoulder of mutton, was relatively inexpensive, possibly not the tastiest of meat as the shoulder muscles of a mature sheep would have been well used during its life and possibly a little tough or "stringy". Smothering the joint with onion sauce, also a relatively cheaply prepared sauce, would tend to protect the "humble" palatte from the toughness of the dish!

Once again, we really love Le Creuset for the kitchen. This is really good quality cooking impliments and they last a lifetime. If you want a really good roast then this is just the ticket.

Jack Adams 2009

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