Monday, 19 October 2009

1133: Plain Pea Soup

Put in a pan six pounds of pork, well soaked and cut into eight pieces; pour six quarts of water over; one pound of split peas; one teaspoonful of sugar; half a teaspoonful of pepper; four ounces of fresh vegetables, or two ounces of preserved, if handy; let it boil gently for two hours, or until the peas are tender. When the pork is rather fat, as is generally the case, wash it only; a quarter of a pound of broken biscuit may be used for the soup. Salt beef, when rather fat and well soaked, may be used for pea soup.

Enquire Within About Everything (1885) p.176

This is a real zaqqard of a recipe! As with most things Victorian there is the addition of meat, even in a "Plain Pea Soup". Sometimes these reipes are difficult to understand, as in "When the pork is rather fat, as is generally the case, wash it only;". I am not really sure exactly what they are trying to say here!

And here is the absolutely best pot for the job, a really zaqqard utensil. We use Le Crueset because, whilst they cost money, they are absolutely top quality. Why buy something cheaper when this will last a lifetime?

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